Monday, September 05, 2011

Locavore flavors

We're getting the hang of being locavores. Went to the farm stand on Beech just off East-West Highway for peaches, plums and heirloom tomatoes, picked up some green beans at the Silver Spring market, and a Boston butt from a Virginia farm that has forest-fed pigs.

Used the tomatoes and beans for a couple of simple recipes from the oft-cited Olives and Oranges by Sara Jenkins (can't wait for her next book). Her subtitle talks about "recipes and flavor secrets" and it is all about the flavor. I cut the tomatoes into eighths, sprinkled a little salt on them and let them sit for 5 min., then crumbled feta cheese (the Greek kind, not locavore) and sprinkled chopped cilantro over them before drizzling with sherry vinegar and olive oil. Her point is that as good as tomatoes taste with basil, they also taste great with other herbs and that certainly was true in this case.

The beans were simmered for half an hour in a tomato sauce made by sauteeing diced onion and minced garlic in 2 Tbl olive oil, then adding a small can of tomatoes (she says through a food mill, I just pulsed a few times on my mini-processor), simmered together for 10 min before adding the beans. This gets chopped parsley at the end.

The two simple dishes were a great accompaniment to fried chicken with some end of the season rose wine. Terrific.

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