Friday, January 06, 2012

Mediterranean Diet

I'm using diet not in sense of a weight-loss program but in the more general sense of a type of eating. Inspired by the virtues of olive oil extolled in Extra Virginity, and author Tom Mueller's general remarks about the healthfulness of the Mediterranean diet, I thought I would make an effort to focus on this cuisine in the next couple of months.

Not surprisingly, I have a couple dozen cookbooks on Mediterranean cuisine from all the leading authors -- Paula Wolfert, Joyce Goldstein, Claudia Roden, et al. The books range from general "Mediterranean" to Jewish to Middle Eastern and to specific national cuisines like Italian, Spanish, Greek, Moroccan, Turkish. I'm not sure how much of French cooking belongs in this category. And of course there are a number of other trendy cookbooks with Mediterranean-inspired dishes.

I won't be too strict about it anyway. I'll also be doing dishes from other types of books. But I will post these dishes under the "Meddiet" label just to keep track of them.

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